What’s in a name? When you were born, your parents chose your name. They may have chosen your name in honor of a special person in their lives: a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or close friend. They may have chosen your name for the meaning behind it. Perhaps they chose your name because they felt a close connection to a holy man or woman of our faith - one of the saints. Maybe they just really liked your name! Most likely, it was a combination of many factors. (If you do not know why your parents chose the name they did for you, why not ask them about it?) Your name gives you an identity; it tells others who you are. Throughout our lives, we will identify ourselves with many names- the name of the mascot of our high school or college; the name of the region of the country we live in; the title of the career we choose. However, there is a name above all names that, through our Baptism, we should strive to be known to the world by- and that name is Catholic Christian. At your Baptism, you were called by name, and Christened to become a child of God. You entered into the Catholic community by name. As part of your preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, you have the privilege and responsibility, just like your parents did when you were born, to choose a name. Your Confirmation name follows your middle name, i.e. “Amy Leigh Anne Lashutka”. Your Confirmation name should reflect your closer identification as a member of the Catholic Christian community, as you are confirming yourself in your faith:
Where should I begin, to choose a Confirmation name? As we mentioned above, the name you choose can be associated with someone in your life who acts to share Christ's light in your life. Another great option is to find a patron saint who exemplifies who you want to be. Patron saints are chosen as special protectors or guardians over areas of life. These areas can include occupations, illnesses, churches, countries, causes -- anything that is important to us. www.catholic.org/saints/patron.php |
Confirmation II Schedule
Confirmation Name Selection
Please tell us about the name you picked by completing this form.
Confirmation Sponsor Selection
Please click here to tell us about your sponsor.