Open meetings for people who are concerned for each other and support each other towards an understanding of how alcoholism affects them. All are welcome.
Meetings: Thursdays, 7:00-9:00pm, Pastoral Center
Contact: Receptionist 978-686-4050
As a parish, we participate by serving breakfast and/or dinner daily for those in need. The center is located in Lawrence and affiliated with our neighbor, St. Patrick Parish. They welcome volunteers!
You may contact them directly at 978-688-8900.
The Samaritans offer support to those who have been through the range of feelings and emotions related to suicide. Whether it be for a loved one or yourself, the Samaritans offers non-judgmental support.
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00pm in the Pastoral Center.
Contact: Receptionist 978-686-4050
Located in Lawrence, this organization is devoted to serving the poor and the homeless. They prepare and serve meals, run thrift stores, provide temporary housing and some educational support along with multiple other services. As another avenue of sharing one’s gifts of time or talents, we encourage our parishioners to volunteer.
You may call them directly at 978-269-5217 or .
An unplanned pregnancy can be an uncertain and difficult time. You are not alone! The Pregnancy Care Center in Haverhill, Lawrence and Amesbury is there to support you in a variety of ways. Perhaps you would like to be a part of their mission of seeing the dignity of all persons by volunteering or donating specific goods.
For assistance during your crisis or to volunteer, contact the main chapter in Haverhill at 978-373-5700 or 866-254-4440.