"...and on this rock I will build my church..."
-Matthew 16:18
The church is not a building, rather it is all of us who bear witness to Christ and come together as a community of faithful. As we finish our journey through the Confirmation program, we strive to help the candidates to understand how they as Confirmed adults in our church, continue to be the "rock" that our church builds on.
The Confirmation II program, which is taught in year 2 of our program, includes classroom instruction, large group presentations, as well as one overnight retreat.
We discuss what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus and how service relates to that. The service requirement for is 5 hours of community service, and 10 hours of Christian service.
The classroom instruction continues with the Decision Point curriculum by Dynamic Catholic, that began in Confirmation I. The students will learn about how the Holy Spirit can work powerfully in their lives, so that the world becomes a better place. Since the Sacrament of Confirmation is a continuation of the Rite of Initiation, the students will review the significance of their Baptism and of Eucharist in large group presentations.
An important component, exclusive to the Confirmation II program, is the overnight retreat. All Confirmation students are required to attend one overnight retreat. Please see the schedule which also includes retreat days and times.
We ask that each candidate complete these forms in preparation to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Forms to complete:
Things to note:
One of the things a candidate must do is choose a sponsor. A Confirmation sponsor supports the candidate as they prepare to become full members of the church. Being a sponsor is not a one-time duty fulfilled on the day of Confirmation! What does the word “sponsor” mean to us? The word “sponsor” comes from the Latin word spondēre, which means to "give assurance, promise solemnly" It means:
This is an important role to fill by the sponsor. Choosing a sponsor is also a decision that candidates should take seriously. The following are a few things candidates can consider when choosing a sponsor for their Confirmation candidacy. Rules & Requirements There are certain rules and requirements with regard to just who can and cannot be a Confirmation sponsor:
1 Candidates cannot choose one of their parents to act as a sponsor. The Catholic Church does not allow the parent to act as a sponsor, since a sponsor is someone who should support the candidate in addition to the parents, just as a godparent is selected at Baptism for the child in addition to the parents. Things to Consider Your sponsor should be willing and able to participate in your formation for Confirmation:
Confirmation II Schedule
Confirmation Name Selection
Please tell us about the name you picked by completing this form.
Confirmation Sponsor Selection
Please click here to tell us about your sponsor.